Author Guidelines


Before submit article manuscript, the authors are discouraged from withdrawing submitted papers when the manuscript is in publication process (review, copyedit, layout, and others). 

Manuscript Lay Out Guidelines of Enlighted Journal: Journal of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education (Title: TNR 15 Bold, Centered)

Author 1, Author2 and  Author3(TNR 12)

Affiliation1; Affliation2; Affiliation3(TNR, 11, Italic)

Email1; Email2; Email3




Abstract is written in English in one paragraph between 200-250 words,  TNR, normal style with font size 12, and single spacing. Abstract should contain a brief description of the phenomenon under the study or gap in literature, purpose of the study, methods, main findings, and conclusions



Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3



Abstrak is written in Bahasa Indonesia in one paragraph between 200-250 words,  TNR, Italic with font size 12, and single spacing. Abstrak should contain a brief description of the phenomenon under the study or gap in literaturepurpose of the study, methods, main findings, and conclusions



Kata kunci 1; Kata kunci 2; Kata kunci 3



INTRODUCTION [Capital Letter, TNR, 12, Bold]

The introduction presents the reason for writing the topics, the phenomenon being studied, the relationship between existing phenomena and theories, the research gap, novelty, rationale, and research objectives. References need to be included in this section, in relation to the justification of the urgency of the research, the emergence of research problems, alternative solutions, and the chosen solution.

The degree of up-to-date materials is referenced by looking at the proportions of the last 10 years and referring to the main library. Problems and objectives, as well as the use of research written narratively in paragraphs, do not need to be given a special subtitle, and are not allowed to use bullets and numbering.

The article is written single-space, 12 TNR between 10 – 15 pages (excluding references and appendices) and should not more than 5000. Use no indent for the first paragraphs and do not leave a space between paragraphs. Then, the following paragraph is indented first line 0.75cm. The paper size must be set to A4 (210x297 mm). The document margins must be the following:

  • Top: 3 cm;
  • Bottom: 2,5 cm;
  • Left: 3 cm;
  • Right: 2,5


It is advisable to keep all the given values.

Regarding the page layout, authors should set the Section Start to Continuous with the vertical alignment to the top and the following header and footer: 

  • Header: 1,4 cm;
  • Footer: 2,5 cm.

Any text or material outside the aforementioned margins will not be printed. 


Review of literature can be merged into introduction


References and citations use the APA system. The following example  can be considered the citation (Kelly, 2008). Besides that, all references are cited in the text. No numbers with or without brackets used to cite or to list the references. References should be set to 9-point, justified, with a single space and hanging indent of 0,5-centimenter.

METHOD [Capital Letter, TNR, 12, Bold]

This section explains the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understanding the research problem/project, thereby, allowing the readers to critically evaluate the project’s/study's overall validity and reliability.

Tables must appear inside the designated margins or they may span the two columns. Tables in two columns must be positioned at the top or bottom of the page within the given margins. It is advisable the use of text boxes in this case. Tables should be properly numbered, centered and should always have a caption positioned above it. Captions with one line should be centered and if it has more than one line should be set to justified. The font size to use is 9-point. No bold or italic font style should be used. Spacing before and after should be of 12-point and 6-point, respectively.

The final sentence of a caption must end with a period.

Table 1: one line caption so it is centered.

Example column 1

Example column 2

Example text 1

Example text 2

Table 2: This caption has more than one line so it has to be set to justify.

Example column 1

Example column 2

Example text 1

Example text 2


Figures should be properly numbered, cantered and should always have a caption positioned under it. Captions with one line should be cantered and if it has more than one line should be set to justified. The font size to use is 9-point. No bold or italic font style should be used. Spacing before and after should be of 6-point and 12-point, respectively. The final sentence of a caption must end with a period.

Figure 1: It has one line so it is centered.

Figure 2: This caption has more than one line so it has to be set to justify.

FINDING AND DISCUSSION [Capital Letter, TNR, 12, Bold]

The discussion is written to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the issues being investigated, and to explain any new understanding or insights about the problem after you have taken the findings into consideration. It should connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the introduction; this section should always explain how your study has moved the reader's understanding of the research problem forward from where you left them at the end of the introduction.

CONCLUSION [Capital Letter, TNR, 12, Bold]

The conclusion presents from the description in the discussion, presented in essay form, not numerical (numbering). The conclusion conveys the main point of the study, the interesting results as the main findings of the study. A conclusion may cover the main points of the paper, but do not replicate the abstract in the conclusion



References uses the APA 6th ed style, and reference management software Mendeley is recom­mended. References can be sourced from: journal, proceedings, books.



Maspufah, M., & Zuriati, D. (2022). Implementing Speech-Texter Application to Improve EFL Learners’ Fricative Pronunciation. J-SHMIC : Journal of English for Academic9(2), 1-12.


Muchtar, S., Hartono, P. G., & Sari, W. R. (2020). The Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Effect on Sharia Bank Financial Performance in Indonesia. International Conference on Management, Accounting, and Economy (ICMAE 2020), 151 (Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research), 192–196.



Cruttenden, Alan. (2014). Gimson ’ s Pronunciation of English. 8th ed. New York: Routledge.



If any, the appendix should appear directly after the references without numbering, and not on a new page. 
